Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Can you believe how long this takes??

Our financing is in place.

Due to a few unanticipated tangles, we should close on the property this week!  Finally!  Thanks to everyone for their patience!

Some much needed repairs will be taking place through the end of February.  Design and upgrades will begin by the second week in March.  We are still planning a mid-Spring opening - keep your fingers crossed. 

Please feel free to stop in!


  1. My wife, daugther and I lived in Medusa during the early eighty's and then moved to St. Louis. I remember two stores. On was the post office and run by Ernie Bell and the other was just past the bridge. Which one is the Medusa General Store?
    We lived across the street from Sumner and Ethelyn Bates (the best neighbors in the whole world) in the house with the big garage.
    Good luck with your venture - we hope to visit some day.

  2. Congrats!! I can't wait! I'm a medusa resident and we are dying for you to open. We all are! Please let me know if you need any help. Sue knows where I am.

    Angela C.
